This is a presentation all about book research and the library market… could be interesting…
Rebecca Miller, Editor in Chief, School Library Journal
giving an overview/breakdown of public library book budgets
2011 – public libraries carried an average of 4000 ebooks.
ebook budgets spiked in 2011 over 101%
Kelly Gallagher at Bowker Market Research
talking about their Patron Profiles study…
9046 US public library ssytems
16,698 public library buildings
169 million public library users …
Meet the power patron – customers who visit the library at least weekly (physical visits):
- 61% female, average age – 48
- average income – $61,000
- 62% with a college degree or higher
- 39% with kids under age 18
- what do they do at the library? 65% borrow books and media. 59% browse shelves. 40% search the catalog. 43% place holds on stuff.
- clear link between borrowing and buying: 61% – purchased books by an author whose works were previously borrowed from the library. 37% – purchased book previously borrowed fromt he library. 35% – used the library to discover new authors or genres
- library patrons are also buyers
Ebook users read more.
Ebook users – 67% purchased books by an author whose works were previously borrowed from the library. Wow.
Takeaways – libraries are a win-win system for marketing, sales, and discovery for books and publishers.
Skip Dye (Random House)
wants to encourage discoverability – this research helped them
wants to be format-agnostic
Said it’s up to the consumer how they want to read/listen. However they want to do that, that’s what is important.
future of print – Skip is old-fashioned. Thinks the format will survive, but change.
George something from Baker and Taylor
talking about exploding digital content in libraries
He also said they should be device agnostic
66% of public libraries experienced a “dramatic” increase in ebook requests
average holdes-to-copy ratio target is 6:1, but actual is closer tro 12:1
Hmm – claimed their Access 360 desktop reader is format agnostic. To that I’d say no it’s not. Can you open up a book from Overdrive through it? I’m guessing not.
showed Orange County Library’s Axis 360 ebookstore – an example of buying the book through a library