Hi everyone! Quick update here, on how to subscribe to my blog!
I just made the changeover from Google’s old Feedburner email subscription service to follow.it . Follow.it now handles my blog’s email subscriptions, and it looks pretty nice.
Of course, they seem to actually update their software once in awhile, and Google sorta ignored Feedburner for years (and now they’re removing functionality from it), so that’s not really a fair comparison 🙂
Anyway – for those who are already loyal subscribers – I’m guessing the emails you’ll receive from me will look a bit different. So – this is why. [Also posting so I can actually see what happens!]
And … for those who check out my blog, but aren’t yet subscribed … now is a great time to do it! Visit my blog at davidleeking.com, enter your email address, and click that Subscribe button. I’m a rather sporadic poster at the moment. I plan to continue posting when I want to share or explore something, so if you don’t want to miss anything – sign up now!
You can also use boring old RSS, or follow me on Twitter or Linkedin – my new posts end up there as well.
And as always – thank you so much for following, for reading, and for doing what y’all do best!