Recently, I read this article that talked about TikTok and Instagram Reels. The article discusses the rise of TikTok and how Instagram Reels (and Instagram in general) is floundering.
As an aside, not so sure about the Instagram thing. I just posted an Instagram Reel on my personal Instagram account that has quickly become my second most popular Reel. So it’s working for me…
But – the larger thing that struck me from this article is that social media tools come and go. And that’s ok! The one constant with social media is that it’s still changing every few years.
Libraries and organizations don’t really need to be concerned with the hot new tool, or the most viral-worthy types of content to post on each social media platform.
Your job on your social media channels is to share snippets of what you do, and snippets of who you are. And I suppose snippets of why people should care/be interested. That last one will mostly come from the first two. But it’s still good to include.
The best part about this? You can create these snippets for pretty much any platform. TikTok, Facebook, Twitter. Your website. A paper brochure. A presentation. A 1-minute elevator pitch. Etc.
You don’t really need to focus too much on hot trends in the next new social media app (i.e., Reels vs TikTok vs YouTube Shorts). So please, no middle aged librarians dancing in TikTok (well – unless you’re really good or really funny. Then it’s ok)!
But sharing snippets about books, events, and creating stuff? Yes please. Sharing what just happened that was really cool? Yes please. Sharing how you help better your community? More please!
Posting like this is easy, because it’s what you have always done (or should have been doing, anyway). And it’s stuff you already know how to do.
Let’s do more of that!
image from Unsplash