About davidleeking.com (the website):
I create, write, think, and speak about the social web, emerging trends, and libraries. This website reflects those topics.
Sometimes I stray into other related-yet-cool (translation: fun) topics, like videoblogging, experience design and planning, and other emerging trends. Basically, anything in my head on any given day that’s somehow related to libraries, digital technology and emerging trends.
Disclosures: I have ads on this site! Google Adsense ads, Amazon Affiliate ads and links, and probably other stuff from time to time. For example, if you click on a link to my book, you will be passed to Amazon through my affiliate link. If you buy the book after clicking that link, I make something off that sale (very, very little). Why do this? It pays for my web hosting.
Also, once in awhile I get review books from publishers, requests to test a new web service, or even the odd opportunity to drive a car for a week. You bet I take those opportunities! Why? Cause it’s fun … and to test them out/read them, etc. If I like it, I might share. If I don’t like it, I might share too.
About David Lee King (the person):
Here’s my official bio:
David Lee King is the Digital Services Director at Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, where he plans, implements, and experiments with emerging technology trends. He speaks internationally about emerging trends, website management, digital experience, and social media, and has been published in many library-related journals. David is a Library Journal Mover and Shaker. His newest book is Face2Face: Using Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Tools to Create Great Customer Connections. David blogs at http://www.davidleeking.com.
I have worked in libraries since the mid 1990’s. Before becoming a librarian, I held some different jobs, including:
- customer service phone rep at a mutual fund company
- disc jockey
- freelance recording engineer
- musician
- pizza delivery dude
- concession stand worker
- construction worker/painter (boy, that one didn’t last long)
Places you can find me online:
I like to write and record my own songs. The songs you’ll find on my Music page are all me!
Feel free to contact me!
- davidleeking [at] gmail [dot] com
- Facebook, Twitter, Skype: davidleeking
photo by Michael Perkins