You can read tons of blog posts, articles, and books (including mine!) about what to post on social media.
But sometimes, tried-and-true – and simple – works great.
What do I mean? Here’s an example from my library. We regularly post a simple question on our Facebook Page: “What are you reading?”
That’s all we ask. No image with it. Just 4 simple words.
Guess what? Those posts get a TON of interaction! Look at the screenshot included in this post. Our “what are you reading” post from June 5 received:
- 1 Share
- 2 Loves
- 652 Engagements
- 5186 People Reached
- Ok, also 4 Hide Posts and 2 Hide All Posts (probably because those people interacted with the post, and then their phones blew up with activity).
What’s going on here? I think it’s pretty simple, and involves two things:
- It’s on-brand.
- We are talking to book lovers.
On brand: This post is definitely on-brand for us. We are, after all, a library. So it makes a lot of sense for us to … say … post about books once in awhile, right?
Talking to book lovers: When we post to our Facebook Page, we are starting conversations with people who chose to click Like on our Page. They chose to follow their local library, and (hopefully) to see some content and have some interaction with us. We don’t have to convince this group that they’ll be interested in what we do – they know that, and want to share what they are reading. Pretty cool!
One other thing going on here. When we ask “What are you reading?” we also end up with a great list of books that our local community is currently reading. That gives US some great content that we can re-use as needed. We can turn it into blog posts, book lists in Bibliocommons, or book lists in our print or enewsletters that we send to customers.
All done with 4 simple words.