Speaker – Stephen Abram
Do you need containers for information? It’s a real question…
What does Open mean?
– there’s line-ups in front of a movie theater? Because they’re engaged
– why do you read? entertainment, relaxation, be successful, learn info, etc
– open source, open infrastructure, open bar, open standards, etc…
Does Open require a container? It shouldn’t
What does Social change?
Think about it.
We all work in social institutions, we work in a transaction-based organization. Counting transactions, clicks, etc – we don’t actually know what they did.
Suddenly, the software and the activity aligns.
How does your library deal with visual material? For visual learners?
Ex – do you want your surgeon to have reviewed videos of successful operations, or do you want them saying “don’t worry – I read an article” ??
What’s driving the need for Open?
– user expectation
– architecture
– the cloud
– APIs
– social media
– experience trends
– personalization
The API cloud … lots of API possibilities…
“You shouldn’t have to dust something that people want…”
What about Apps?
plugins, itunes, etc. first app is usually facebook – for connecting with actual people.
What’s your experience look like?
University experience – what’s it look like? We used to shove people in carrels now we create more meeting and interaction spaces.
Old Containers –
– these are not going away!
– but they are always physical
– physical formats are losing market and mind share
– especially in the discovery and learning space
Traditional experiences:
– school, continuing education – how is it changing?
– open library hours – in the academic world, there’s a second peak between 10pm and 2am – anyone staff for that? Similar to a public library and people getting home from work and school …
New Containers:
– mostly virtual
– ecourses, lessons, websites, portals, sessions, events, digital photo albums, etc
– how do these objects fit into a positive transformational experience?
– we shouldn’t be measuring only transactional clicks.
Measure did the user find what they wanted, and did they enjoy the experience?
types of containers, revised: paragraphs, chapters, clips, graphics, pictures, etc.
Container success – focus not he end user in context. Where are they? In the shower? Driving? Sitting at a desk? Etc.
Content is not enough
focus on the results of the experience
support readers, not authors. learners, not teachers. collectors, not collections. etc.
design for use, not clicks.
Try writing a game that has only three clicks. They engage because there is something happening that engages them every step of the way. The get a coin, get a clue, find a monster, etc.
design for transformations, not transactions.
design for learning styles.
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