No real content here – just a test! Apparently, the email version of my feed has been acting up. So, I’m testing it out, making sure everything is working!
Can you do me a favor? If you read my blog via email, can a couple of you visit this blog post and leave a comment, letting me know everything’s working ok? I’d appreciate it!
I also appreciate all you readers! You guys are truly awesome. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!
Working fine here!
Worked for me too!
Working fine for me, too, via the e-mail version.
Both the email and blog version seem to be working fine. For real, you just wanted to see how many of us you could get to comment, right??
Working fine for me!
Working fine via email. It always makes my day to see your posts in my inbox.
It’s all good!
It’s all good!
email working fine
email working fine
Ha! Yeah, that’s it 🙂
Really though, someone told me that their Outlook email was throwing error messages, then I saw an error message too … I think because I had attempted to add a Google Plus share button to the blog.
Should be fixed now, and from the looks of it, y’all are getting these posts just fine. Yippie!
Your blog via e-mail is working fine to my MS-Outlook.
e-mail working fine 🙂
Received. Worth noting that I got a glut through yesterday evening (about 6 I think)…
It seems to be working now but I can see that I’ve missed a couple of posts so looks like there was a problem but it’s been resolved.
Worked fine for me too!
Seems to be working fine, David!
all is well! Keep up the good work!