My library is thinking about recharging stations for mobile devices. So I’m looking into outlets with USB slots, special stands, etc.
How come? Because customers want to recharge. If you walk around our library, you’ll notice we have a lot of lamps by comfy chairs. Guess what? Those lamps, for the most part, will be unplugged. Because people are recharging their devices. So – we’ll probably be doing something to address that.
That also made me think – why shouldn’t the library be the community’s recharging station? For more than just mobile devices? What would we need to become the community’s recharging station?
Here are some ideas:
- Lots of outlets
- Lots of USB plugins
- Comfortable chairs that can be moved around
- Electric car charging stations
- Lots of windows in the building
- Offer video games for more than just teens
- Make the library a fun place instead of a quiet place
- Offer classes related to recharging/de-stressing
- Be positive. At the desk, in signage, in instructions.
- Focus on do, not on don’t. Yes rather than no.
- Help customers make things
- If someone’s sleeping in the library … maybe don’t kick them out.
- Offer exercise classes. You have the books and the videos … why not the actual class?
And of course, have lots of good books 🙂
Thoughts? Comments? Do you think of your library as the community’s recharging station? If so, why? If not, why? I’d love to hear from you!
Pics by Emergency Brake and Viktor Hertz