I was a panelist at PLA 2010’s Top Tech Trends session, and talked about ebook readers and the ipad as a top tech trend to watch in 2010. Here’s my outline for the session:
Ebook Readers and the iPad:
- ebooks have been around wince 1971! that’s when the gutenberg project started!
- 1998 – first ebook readers appeared
how many different models are there?
- at least 20 different manufacturers
over 2 million free ebooks
- 15 different file formats!
- kindle, txt, epub, html, pdf, etc
- epub
- open free format – not proprietary
- css, xml styling
- default standard, not everyone (ie., kindle) uses it
Operating Systems on ebook readers:
- linux
- android
- windows mobile/win ce
- iphone OS
- most are 6-8 inches or so
- mobile version – iphone is an ebook reader, other phones
e-ink or LCD
- e-ink – imitates the look and ease of readability of print while consuming little power
- most are in gigabytes
- holds hundreds of books
- wifi
- cellular networks
- price – 150 to 750
still sorta like the 90s with cell phone or PDAs
why did I pick this for a top tech trend when they’ve been around for so long?
why did I pick this for a top tech trend when they’ve been around for so long?
Apple likes to change things
- Mac – changed the computer industry – mouse and GUI were pretty obscure untilt hat first mac came along in 1984
- ipod – changed the music industry – pricing, formats, size, etc., mp3 players
- iphone – changed the cell phone industry
- touch screen
- more than just a cell phone – games, internet, browsers, ipod, movies, calendar, email, twitter, facebook, etc, etc, etc
- many copycats
iPad will do the same thing – but to what industry?
- gaming and movies
- will probably change the ebook industry
- better ebook reader
- more like a book – flip the pages by touch
- color
- great screen
- turn the thing to flip the screen
- accessibility built in
- and 5 of the 6 largest publishers are already on-board.
- money – they’ve seen itunes and the app store and want in
What might we have by end of 2010?
- The iPad ships on April 3
- iPad will be on version 2-3 by the end of 2010
- will have made millions of publishers millions of dollars, Apple even more
- price will have probably dropped
- more publishers will be using the epub format (and wanting into itunes store)
- copycats will start to appear
Issues for libraries to consider:
our patrons will start buying iPads soon.
- does it work with Overdrive?
- does it work with our catalogs?
- can patrons plug them into your PCs?
staff issues
- can your staff use them to help patrons who own one?
library stuff
- can patrons check them out?
- can your library buy them for patrons to use/check out?
- battery life -do you charge the battery before handing them out to patrons? Do you have a place for multiple devices to be charged behind the circ desk (or wherever you might keep them)?
bigger issues
- content licensing and DRM