Gary talked a lot about his background, which is very important to his story of how he uses social media and why. If you want more info on that, make sure to read his book, Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
(given out to all conference attendees).
Became passionate about wine, decided to build the largest wine company in the US.
Launched Wine Library in 1997
2005 – started wine library tv
spent 12-15 hours a day in social media, building a community. Has been able to monetize that community
our culture is shifting to the online world – the quicker we embrace it the better
pointing out the fact that he is speaking to us from his apartment in NYC, for free via Skype – 5 years ago, this would have been extremely pricey.
I tweeted some nice quotes and thoughts, too – here they are:
- #ugul10 @garyvee – “our culture is shifting to the online world – the quicker we embrace it the better” 8:26 AM Apr 1st via web
- @garyvee doesn’t do things for the money – instead, he does it for the process and because he loves it #ugul10 8:36 AM Apr 1st via web
- #ugul10 @garyvee “i’d make a library much more like a Starbucks … almost like your favorite bar … make it more inviting.”
- #ugul10 @garyvee – “don’t apologize for what you believe in.” Us librarians often DO apologize…
- #ugul10 @garyvee has to play with the new tool before he’s able to do something with it – I say that too – immerse yourself, then build
- and one I re-tweeted from someone else: johanmijs #ugul10 @garyvee about passion and conviction: beat the crap out of them because you are better. Libraries should become media companies.