A lot of people read, commented, and tweeted about my last post, Getting Permission. First off – thanks! It’s an important topic, and one with no easy answers.
More than one commenter asked a similar question – Emily Ford, at the cool In the Library with the Lead Pipe blog, sums it up nicely. She asks:
Do you have any tips about how to try to move forward and get permission and get things done in an organization that has its issues? How can we be proactive without having to leave our organizations to be able to do good things?
My answer to that? I want YOU to answer it! I’m guessing some of you have some great answers to Emily’s question – experiences, best practices, etc. Stuff that worked for you, ideas you read about but haven’t yet tried, etc.
My goal here is to answer Emily’s question … AND to create a list of useful ways to move forward and get permission when you have a less than stellar boss, a conservative organization, a traditional IT department, etc.
And if you want to tweet your answer, please use the hashtag #getpermission – could be a fun way to share.
So – how do YOU get permission?