Michael Stephens spoke last, and gave an inspiring talk on change and libraries. Again, my random notes and tweets:
let our core values guide everything we do.
encourage the heart – satisfy their curiosity, encourage users, etc
Showing examples of good vs bad practices.
A “do not move the furniture” sign vs an academic library giving over the 1st floor to the students – putting in chairs and tables, and saying ‘ move them anywhere you want … and then watching what the students do with it, and plan new areas of the library around how the students move stuff around. Nice.
What gets in our way?
- institutional culture – “we’ve always done it this way” that type of mindset
- embedded staff – the staff that has hunkered down, it’s their stuff…
- silos of knowledge – what if they leave?
- outdated methods…
- organizational structure
- barriers and rules
- mindset …
technolust – wanting tech because it’s sexy. Don’t do that – do it because it helps your mission
Guides, not gatekeepers. what we should be doing.
augmented reality – we need to be the ones adding content to physical spaces via augmented reality.
“A whole new mind” – Daniel Pink – a book to read
learning 2.0 – after going through a learning 2.0 program, there’s more confidence in libraries, new users, more awareness, etc. It will change your staff – new ways of thinking and working. They feel more included, confident.
confidence, use of new technologies, etc…
self-directed exploration.
non users – how do we find them?
find them, talk to them, GO to them. Ask them.
put the library everywhere – in the palm of your hand, in a beautiful building, etc.
Break down barriers – ex – your policy manual Can you change it, simplify it?
Develop your personal learning network – reading tweets, following blogs, etc – important to always be learning.
balance is key. Twitter will be there tomorrow. It’s ok to take a break, balance life.
Zigzag bridge
- Sign with it – walk a bit, stop, then turn. Every time you turn, you change your point of view, your experience, etc.
- “evil spirits” can’t follow you, because they fear change.
And one tweet:
if you’re not having fun, something is off. @mstephens7 #ugul10 9:38 AM Apr 1st via web