What are us wacky Kansans up to? Check this out:
Ready to participate in a new type of conference? Think some of the most valuable and most productive sessions at conferences are the hallway and dinner conversations?
Want to get to know some of your forward-thinking Kansas library colleagues better?
Join us at Library Camp Kansas: the first Un-conference for people interested in customer-friendly libraries, library 2.0 and thinking about how we can all improve our services and organizations to meet the needs of our communities.
This is not a conference with experts behind a podium. It is an opportunity for dialogue and conversation. Sound good to you? Join us on Wednesday, March 19, at K-State’s Hale Library!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Registration starts at 9 a.m.)
Hale Library, Hemisphere Room
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
A complete agenda and links to lunch options, directions and parking information are available on the unconference wiki at:http://librarycampks.wetpaint
The participants of Library Camp Kansas choose the topics to be discussed the day of the conference. Potential topics can be posted ahead of time to the wiki: http://librarycampks.wetpaint
Registration is free. Visit the “Invitation to Participate page” to register online:
If you need a parking permit, you must register by Friday, March 7.
Due to space limitations, overall registration is capped at 100 participants.
What’s provided:
Free wi-fi. Some laptops are available for those who can’t bring their own. Flip charts and meeting supplies will be provided as well. Snacks and drinks thanks to K-LIRT. Parking permits thanks to NEKLS.
What you should bring:
Great ideas, great questions, an interest in collaboration, laptop with wi-fi (if possible), and money for lunch.
For more information, check out the Kansas Library Camp wiki: http://librarycampks.wetpaint
To see how other library camps and unconferences have worked out in other states, see http://www.blyberg.net/?s
Questions? Please contact:
Brenda Hough
Technology Consultant, NEKLS
[email protected] ~ (785) 838-4090
Hope to see you there!