Speaker: Mary Ellen Bates
links are at batesinfo.com/cil2009
- online magazine rack
- she’s comparing alltop to early yahoo, just add rss!
- rss aggregator
- built by “2 guys and a gal”
- highly selective, well-done
Think about how you can use this in your own organization…
- visualization and clustering and metasearch…
- one of those silly swirly visual search thingies (not a fan)
- claims it’s more immersive feeling
- You eventually DO get text
- gives you a choice – viaual, clustered, text, etc… good.
- adds lexical variants
- on the fly, you can get:
- synonym suggestions
- singular/plural
- translate terms into other languages
- does clustering, but only in German
- interface a bit squirrely
- a way to skim across web 2.0
- query example – she did a GTD search…
- ok. sort of a metasearch for 2.0-ish sites like blogpulse, youtube, twitter, technorati, etc
- clustering on demand
- with a choice of sorting algorithms
- and a choice of search engines
- cool graphic display
- looks like the old northern lights search engine! With the folder clustering thing
- but allows you to choose HOW you want to cluster
- add prefer:word to query
- ranks these search results higher
- a cool way to change the relevance ranking – doesn’t narrow the search
- highlight text on a page
- saves a copy of the page with a new URL
- then you can direct others to that page with the highlighted text
- looks for assertions
- information mining
- ex: what kills bacteria in google – lots of stuff. In textrunner, it looks for a sentence with an answer.
- so it’s looking at the web in a different way. It’s looking at sentence structure instead of focusing on different words
- translates text into other languages
- shows text side by side
- so you drop in search results, it translates your words into words in other languages, then shows the results side by side
- snipr.com/cemmn
- compare frequency of words in twitter
- generates venn diagram
- visual way to see this
- searches all wikipedia articles
- does a more visual search of it
- it structures the wikipedia article in a more user-friendly way
- gives a tag cloud for similar articles
- lists out recommended articles
- gives a visual mindmap display of related stuff
- another visual thing
- it’s doing clustering
- federated search (she sped through this one)
- a tutorial
- learn to love social media
- can you:
- ID the most popular blogs on a topic
- rank the blog posts
- eliminate content overload
- check out the hotness of each post
- etc
- Cool – I’ll have to find this and pass it around
How to build a social media cheat sheet for any topic
- also from readwriteweb
Legal Research Engines
- cornell law library
- google custom search engines
- searches legal stuff
- newseum.org
- aggregated the front pages of newspapers around the world
- [me – hee. this won’t last much longer]
- makes a visual tag cloud from text
- good way to visually see the underlying message or tone of soemthing you read
Google’s search wiki
- you can comment on search results
- you can move things around
- it’s public – your annotations, anyway
- you can customize your search of google…
- skipped it
- it automatically clusters and starts asking you questions
- looks at wikipedia
- it’s a sense-making search engine
- does clustering, looks for sentences similar to your search
- beta search engine
- lets you weight your search results
- looks like a search/tag cloud – you can change the weights visually by changing the weight of the font. Nice.
get conference buzz
- bloggers live blog, live tweet, etc
- So check those things out – technorati, google blog search, twitter search, etc
Google audio indexing
- speech to text indexing
Google Maps Mashups
- very interesting map mashups!