Zadi Diaz, Bre Pettis, Lisa Donovan (Lisa Nova on YouTube), Lindesy Campbell
lots of people taking video of people in this session
People who have made videoblogging their day job – topic of panel
Telling their stories:
Lisa Donovan:
- started a small production company
- lots of corporate stuff
- they wanted to be more creative in their down time
- this was about 2 years ago – they discovered youtube
- started posting videos…
- her videos have been watched 40 million times
- They use the resources they have – no money involved – just time, primarily
- she was picked up on MadTV 2 months after she started doing the youtube stuff
Zadi Diaz:
- EpicFU – internet culture show
- her background editor is in publishing and acting
- she started vlogging to keep in touch with her family, then discovered other vloggers
- hooked up with rocketboom
- show started as JetSet – recently changed the name
- the British Council is a fan of her show, and they’ve invited her over to do something
- EPIC-FU IS their job
- (aside) Steve Garfield just walked around the room, vlogging the session)
Bre Pettis:
- got started as an art teacher
- 2004 – he started doing online video
- he mentioned the library! Loves the 700 section in the library
- started making DIY videos
- 2006 – started doing DIY videos once a week
Lindsey Campbell:
- she’s an actor (translation – she was acting, singing, and temping in NYC)
- saw an ad for a web hosting for a financial show thing and auditioned for it
- she did wallstrip – acquired by CBS Interactive last year
- “the internet IS TV”
Some people tell them it’s too bad they haven’t made it on TV or film
They are just a little bit ahead of traditional media, and traditional media types are starting to contact them and ask questions – sort of like what I do in libraries
Bre’s suggestions
- don’t make people wait even a second – cut everything to the edge
- Make friends with musicians
- publish often
- own your IP
- take acting classes
- take care of your teeth
- start where you are
- don’t quit your day job – just start there – make a show with the people around you
Campbell – email your heroes – they might help you
q – what’s the justification for being in the web space with trad media companies that bought video?
– they wanted to be in the space
– it’s experimentation
building a community – they want to feel like they’re participating with you, hanging out with you, connect with you – the web offers that connection point