I’m sometimes asked why librarians should be interested in Facebook. Here’s a great answer to that question, via other librarians!
This video is one of a series of videos I’ve been creating for our library, called Tech Tuesdays. Tech Tuesdays is a weekly video series that focuses on emerging technology, library technology, etc – and focused on our patrons (find more of them in Topeka Library’s YouTube channel).
For this particular Tech Tuesdays video, I interviewed four of my colleagues at work, and asked them why THEY use Facebook. The answers are great:
Jeff, Adult Services:
- keep track of friends
- invited author to speak at library
Anne, Adult Services:
- keep track of friends
- teaching a facebook class for senior citizens on how to connect with family through facebook
Kyler, Youth Services:
- keep track of friends
- posts his upcoming music gigs (for himself and for library storytimes) on facebook
Gina, Library Director:
- keep track of friends
- shares info about the library and personal life
Interestingly, all four answers include a mix of personal connections and actual library work. Social media is still a pretty gray area – is it work? Is it play? Is it both? I think it’s definitely both… but that’s for another post.