For my ALA/Librarian friends – I’m running for a LITA Director-at-Large, and I would love your vote!
Voting starts at 9:00 a.m. Central Time on March 16, 2011. Ballots close at 11:59 p.m. on April 22. Election results will be announced on April 29, 2011.
- Go here to vote – ok, that page just has info. And it says ALA members will get an email … but I certainly haven’t received one yet! Will update once I learn more …
- Here’s the list of candidates for the 2011 LITA Election
And here’s my statement on why I’m running: I love LITA, and I think LITA should be leading the pack in tackling technology change in libraries, and in running a modern organization using modern technology. I’m not convinced LITA is there yet, and I want to help make positive changes in LITA to help the organization grow and evolve … and more importantly, to help libraries and librarians with their technology needs.
So again – please consider voting for me! I’d appreciate it!
Besides e-books and e-readers, what specific modern technologies do you want LITA to tackle regardless of whether or not you win the election?
Good question. You know, I don’t have any specific technologies that LITA should definitely pursue. Instead, I want to pursue the idea of not being scared of, or being too timid to, try new things, and to figure out how to change quickly as technology change in general is speeding up.
That means having an attitude of “yes, let’s try that” … whatever the technology.
Hope that helps!
Best of luck to you!