Have you heard about street pianos? Some cities have taken old upright pianos, refurbished them, had an artist paint them, and have “installed” them in public spaces.
The goal? Let anyone who wants to … play the piano, and share some music – good or bad – with their local community at the same time.
Cool idea!
My library heard about the idea, had a piano donated to us, painted it, and it’s now outside the library, ready for anyone to play. It’s been outside just a few days … I just saw two teens sitting at the piano, wailing away.
Want more info?
- Article at my library’s website about the artist (and the teens who did the painting)
- University City Public Piano Project
- streetpianos.com
Has your library done a similar idea? I’d love to hear about it!
Looks like fun! Is there anything your library did to prevent weather damage?
We do – but it’s very low-tech. We wheel it inside 🙂 It’s on roller wheels, so we take it in at night or when there’s bad weather happening.
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