My library is in the beginning stages of another website redesign. Our beginning thoughts were simply that we wanted to move to a responsive site design, to help out our mobile website visitors (hitting 20% and growing).
Then we realized all that back-end re-coding work pretty much meant a complete redesign. And there are some other things we want to address and improve, so doing a redesign makes sense.
I thought I might post once in awhile about the redesign process. Could be interesting…
What have we done so far?
- I met with a group of customers, and asked them what they wanted in a website (see the image in this post for the notes on that session – here’s the Flickr link to it)
- held some meetings with our Creative Group and our web team
- created some early, rough draft mockups of the site – a main page, a blog post, and a mobile version of the main page.
Today, we kicked off a series of staff brainstorming meetings. In these meetings, I introduce the concept of responsive design, give some reasons why we are redesigning, and show off our mockups. Then, we brainstorm on these questions:
- What do you like about the current website?
- Where do customers get stuck when using the website?
- What’s missing on our website?
- What do you think can be improved?
Once these meetings are done, the next step will be to summarize the brainstorming sessions, and present that to our leadership team. Assuming that goes fine, then the website coding starts in earnest.
Should be a fun time!
I’ll be following this pretty closely, David, since I’m in the redesign process for our site ( also. Currently, it’s all HTML/CSS, and the new site will use a theme I built for WordPress out of Twitter Bootstrap, so I can have mobile functionality without having to go through the pain of building a mobile-only site as well.