Just saw this Seth Godin post (via Stephen Abram – thanks!) – The world’s worst boss. The whole post is worth a read – here’s the part that really struck me:
If you had a manager that talked to you the way you talked to you, you’d quit. If you had a boss that wasted as much as your time as you do, they’d fire her. If an organization developed its employees as poorly as you are developing yourself, it would soon go under.
Can you relate to that? Better yet – what are you going to do about that for 2011? Here’s some assumptions I’ll make about YOU:
- Those ideas you have? Probably good ones. Certainly worth trying anyway.
- Those improvements you want to make? Personally or in your job? Why haven’t you started yet?
- Those hesitations you’re having about taking a first step? Get over it already and take that first step. You won’t know if you’re going the wrong way until you actually start moving.
Me? Gee whiz – I’m writing this for myself 🙂 So get moving, start acting, and see where you end up going in 2011. Should be a fun journey, to say the least.
pic by asma
Yes, that is true. its our decision, its our job, its our responsibility, then what else, plainly, I am my boss.
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Your boss is David lee king.This is some what different story from the tale.
This is really the best and absolute story.