Interested in Library Engagement Platforms? Then this new Library Technology Report (written by me) is just for you!
Here’s a blurb about it:
This issue of Library Technology Reports introduces library engagement platforms, explains what types of interactions take place while using them, and illustrates why libraries need to utilize them to connect with their customers. These interactions take place using a variety of communication channels, including e-mail, text messages, and mobile phone notifications. The end goal of a library engagement platform isn’t the messaging; it’s engaging with that customer and moving them to respond and interact, or engage, with the library.
ALA Store
Basically I cover a lot of that newish library-related software that does everything BUT ILS, database or website stuff. Think events calendars, room reservations, curbside pickup, mobile apps, data dashboards, and a whole lot more.
Sound interesting? Please check it out (or buy it!). Also, if you are attending Computers in Libraries this spring, I’m giving a presentation based on Library Engagement Platforms – so you’ll get a good overview there, as well.