Just saw the 2009 list of Library Journal Movers & Shakers. Can I just say there are a LOT of very awesome people in that list this year! FYI – check out Bobbi Newman’s list – it’s handy.
Also, there are lots of cool people I know in that list, including Michael, Sarah, Chad, Eric, Jaap, Geert, Karen, Jason, Joe, Lauren, Lori, Jenica, etc, etc etc – awesome (if I forgot you, please kick me later – I’m tired!). Congratulations to every single Mover & Shaker – each of you has earned this – way to go!
And an interesting aside – Bobbi’s list links both to the LJ write-ups on each person, and to their blogs if they have one. Did you notice? There are more bloggers than non-bloggers in the list. Just sayin.
I missed the blogger/non-blogger connection, interesting, gives me something to think about.
I missed the blogger/non-blogger connection, interesting, gives me something to think about.
Thanks for the mention, David! I am loving your SXSW posts. It’s good to live vicariously through a librarian there. 🙂
Thanks for the mention, David! I am loving your SXSW posts. It’s good to live vicariously through a librarian there. 🙂
Thank you David. I feel honored to be part of this group!
Thank you David. I feel honored to be part of this group!