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This screencast is for BIGWIG’s 3rd annual Social Software Showcase, being held Monday at the American Library Association’s annual conference.
How can you participate? Two ways:
- Watch the screencast and make a comment – what do you think? What are you doing with Facebook Pages?
- Show up at my table Monday, July 13, 10:30am. Instead of a formal presentation, show up having watched my screencast … and we’ll have a discussion about Facebook Pages!
So … this screencast is all about Facebook Pages. Here’s what I cover:
- The basics of a Facebook Page – I describe what can be done with the Wall, the Info page, friending, status updates, events, discussion boards, and boxes.
- Who uses your Facebook Page? I talk about the stats that come with a Facebook Page.
- Facebook Apps – I briefly talk about the two apps my library has built
- Connecting with customers – I talk about the ways a library can connect with customers using their Facebook Page.
- And I mention my library’s Facebook Page quite a bit…. check it out!
So – chime in in the comment box and at my table on Monday! I plan to also live stream the discussion – we’ll see how that goes.
Hi David!
Great Screencast! The Selective Twitter app works with Facebook pages now. So you can send your twitter updates to your fan pages. It’s helpful!
Thanks for the screencast — it was informative. I would like to know how you handle all the inbox inquiries — I saw in the screencast that you had 113 new ones waiting. Do you or one decided staff person or several staff handle all the replies to comments & inbox posts?
Thanks for the screencast — it was informative. I would like to know how you handle all the inbox inquiries — I saw in the screencast that you had 113 new ones waiting. Do you or one decided staff person or several staff handle all the replies to comments & inbox posts?
Diane – Facebook Pages are tied to personal Facebook Profiles – so those 113 new messages are for me. Not the library. Hope that clears up any confusion!
Diane – Facebook Pages are tied to personal Facebook Profiles – so those 113 new messages are for me. Not the library. Hope that clears up any confusion!
Hi David,
Just a reminder to you and other folks – Facebook pages are ti ed to the personal account of the individual who created them. This can be a bit awkward if that individual leaves the organization. When I blogged about it last month someone suggested creating an account for the library founder or other famous individual and using that account to create the page. You can them promote other staff to admins and remove them as needed.
Hi David,
Just a reminder to you and other folks – Facebook pages are ti ed to the personal account of the individual who created them. This can be a bit awkward if that individual leaves the organization. When I blogged about it last month someone suggested creating an account for the library founder or other famous individual and using that account to create the page. You can them promote other staff to admins and remove them as needed.
Great video David.
I just wanted to add one thing that Facebook just released today.
You can now add a badge of some sorts to your fan page, here is a link from mashables.
I think you’ll really dig it
ps. it was good seeing you today at the Tweetup 🙂
Keep up the good work
Great video David.
I just wanted to add one thing that Facebook just released today.
You can now add a badge of some sorts to your fan page, here is a link from mashables.
I think you’ll really dig it
ps. it was good seeing you today at the Tweetup 🙂
Keep up the good work
Great screencast! I followed along and was interested to see that you could get statistics on who is visiting your Facebook but I can’t seem to find the link on my page…. It was a little hard to see on the screencast – would you tell me how to do it?
Great screencast! I followed along and was interested to see that you could get statistics on who is visiting your Facebook but I can’t seem to find the link on my page…. It was a little hard to see on the screencast – would you tell me how to do it?
Minday – If you’re on your Facebook Page (and you’re an admin of the page), do this:
– Click the Edit Page link (on the upper left side of page)
– Click All Page Insights – in the Right hand column
Stats should be there!
Minday – If you’re on your Facebook Page (and you’re an admin of the page), do this:
– Click the Edit Page link (on the upper left side of page)
– Click All Page Insights – in the Right hand column
Stats should be there!
Brandon – great meeting you too! And agreed – the Facebook Pages widget is extremely cool!
Brandon – great meeting you too! And agreed – the Facebook Pages widget is extremely cool!
Great screencast, thanks for the tip on the insight stats David! A slightly different twist on the personal/professional issue that other commenters have mentioned.
Is anyone aware of any existing library policies addressing staff performing professional duties via a personal, social networking profile (as Facebook policy doesn’t seem to allow for the creation of a second, professional profile). For instance, a Young Adult Librarian using his or her Facebook account to connect with Teens?
Great screencast, thanks for the tip on the insight stats David! A slightly different twist on the personal/professional issue that other commenters have mentioned.
Is anyone aware of any existing library policies addressing staff performing professional duties via a personal, social networking profile (as Facebook policy doesn’t seem to allow for the creation of a second, professional profile). For instance, a Young Adult Librarian using his or her Facebook account to connect with Teens?
Great tutorial, David!
Sheli – If the Page “owner” already has Selective Twitter tied to their personal Twitter account and personal Facebook Profile, I don’t believe you can use it to also send updates from a 2nd Twitter account (for an organization) to that organization’s Facebook Page. At least, it wasn’t working that way last month, last time I checked….has the app added that 2nd layer of multi-account functionality?
Ning is supposed to the ability to tie multiple Twitter accounts to multiple Facebook brands (i.e., a personal Profile, and an organizational Page). I just haven’t finished exploring Ning for our library — it’s time-conuming to set up.
Great tutorial, David!
Sheli – If the Page “owner” already has Selective Twitter tied to their personal Twitter account and personal Facebook Profile, I don’t believe you can use it to also send updates from a 2nd Twitter account (for an organization) to that organization’s Facebook Page. At least, it wasn’t working that way last month, last time I checked….has the app added that 2nd layer of multi-account functionality?
Ning is supposed to the ability to tie multiple Twitter accounts to multiple Facebook brands (i.e., a personal Profile, and an organizational Page). I just haven’t finished exploring Ning for our library — it’s time-conuming to set up.
Great screencast! I just want to know what program you use to create the screencast. Thanks.
Great screencast! I just want to know what program you use to create the screencast. Thanks.
Liz – I used Jing Pro. It’s cool! And easy to use, too.
Liz – I used Jing Pro. It’s cool! And easy to use, too.
Awesome tutorial! I enjoyed the Social Software showcase, also (if you don’t mind) I’d like to let your readers know that my colleague and I recently published about our own experience with Pages (for an academic library) in Journal of Web Librarianship. (http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a912332295~db=all~jumptype=rss)
At the time that we wrote it, Pages did not look like personal profiles. One thing to keep in mind–FB can change the interface at a moments notice!
I suspect that as Pages change and more and more libraries use them there will be additional literature about what libraries are doing with FB Pages.
Awesome tutorial! I enjoyed the Social Software showcase, also (if you don’t mind) I’d like to let your readers know that my colleague and I recently published about our own experience with Pages (for an academic library) in Journal of Web Librarianship. (http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a912332295~db=all~jumptype=rss)
At the time that we wrote it, Pages did not look like personal profiles. One thing to keep in mind–FB can change the interface at a moments notice!
I suspect that as Pages change and more and more libraries use them there will be additional literature about what libraries are doing with FB Pages.
It’s working for me. I have my personal twitter sent to FB w/ selective twitter, and then 2 fan pages w/ separate twitter accounts. First I had to set up the app to my personal page and save that. Then under the tab that says Your Fan Pages, you can add the others. I did have to grant permission, it was kind of a rigmarole, but somehow it accepted all of them. Hope this helps a little.
It’s working for me. I have my personal twitter sent to FB w/ selective twitter, and then 2 fan pages w/ separate twitter accounts. First I had to set up the app to my personal page and save that. Then under the tab that says Your Fan Pages, you can add the others. I did have to grant permission, it was kind of a rigmarole, but somehow it accepted all of them. Hope this helps a little.
Selective Twitter IS working for me now, thanks! I know I added that application (for my personal Profile) prior to creating my library’s fan Page, so I never saw the Fan Pages tab. But, I also added the application long before Facebook re-launched the new Pages. So either way, I didn’t know it works now with pages… thank you for pointing that out!
We used to feed our blog to our Twitter account with the Twitter Tools plugin for WordPress, which works great with the regular Facebook Twitter app, and with using Involver to post our blog RSS to a Page tab. But, since Selective Facebook requires the #fb hashtag, I’ve disabled the auto-publish feature in Twitter Tools and instead set up our auto-publish “blog to Twitter to Facebook” via TwitterFeed instead, adding the #fb hashtab as a suffix to each post.
Thanks again!
Selective Twitter IS working for me now, thanks! I know I added that application (for my personal Profile) prior to creating my library’s fan Page, so I never saw the Fan Pages tab. But, I also added the application long before Facebook re-launched the new Pages. So either way, I didn’t know it works now with pages… thank you for pointing that out!
We used to feed our blog to our Twitter account with the Twitter Tools plugin for WordPress, which works great with the regular Facebook Twitter app, and with using Involver to post our blog RSS to a Page tab. But, since Selective Facebook requires the #fb hashtag, I’ve disabled the auto-publish feature in Twitter Tools and instead set up our auto-publish “blog to Twitter to Facebook” via TwitterFeed instead, adding the #fb hashtab as a suffix to each post.
Thanks again!
how did you establish a fb “user name” for your library fb page?
how did you establish a fb “user name” for your library fb page?
If you’re the admin of the page, go here and click “username for Pages” and follow the instructions. Some pages can’t yet have a username (it has to have at least 100 fans). More info can be found here.
Hope this helps!
If you’re the admin of the page, go here and click “username for Pages” and follow the instructions. Some pages can’t yet have a username (it has to have at least 100 fans). More info can be found here.
Hope this helps!
thanks for the info — i’m just getting our library fb pg up so we’ll have to wait out the 100 fan limit.
on another note: i’ve had your blog on rss for about 5 months now — i find your topics, info etc very helpful.
thanks for the info — i’m just getting our library fb pg up so we’ll have to wait out the 100 fan limit.
on another note: i’ve had your blog on rss for about 5 months now — i find your topics, info etc very helpful.
diane – thanks! Thanks for sharing in my comments, too – keep it up!
diane – thanks! Thanks for sharing in my comments, too – keep it up!
Hi David!
Great Screencast! The Selective Twitter app works with Facebook pages now. So you can send your twitter updates to your fan pages. It's helpful!