This was my panel session. I shared the panel with three fabulous people:
- Jennifer Conner, blogger at The Literate Housewife (she moderated the session)
- Mandy Boles, blogger at The Well-Read Wife
- Stacey O’Neale, Publicist at Entangled Publishing
We each submitted questions beforehand. Here’s what I submitted (along with my answers). I focused on video and podcasting. This is what I planned to share – what was actually shared was just a little bit of this (panels tend to take on a life of their own once started, which is cool):
10 video questions
1. what equipment do you need to start making video?
- you probably already have some type of video recorder: smartphone, digital camera, camcorder, webcam.
- smartphone for audio recording too
- any basic digital camera with video recording will work great for starters, or your iphone.
- Nothing fancy until you are ready for it!
2. what software should I use to edit videos?
- Your computer comes with great software – Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.
- Or get Adobe Premier Express or Apple’s Final Cut Pro – $100-300 or so.
3. what type of content should be in my video?
- Thinking author here…
- promotional video about your new book. Duh. Maybe a series of them!
- short video about writing process
- short video about a fun plot twist or character development
- just a “I’m touching base with my readers†video
- what are you excited about? Share that.
4. How about podcasting – what’s that, and how is it different from video?
- Podcasting – audio; video = video. Some people call videos video podcasts.
- podcasting goes on your iphone, in itunes. Video, not so much.
5. Where should I store my videos or podcasts?
- Videos – Youtube.
- Podcasts are harder. Start out with a free tool like Soundcloud. Then you can up that to Libsyn or Blubrry – monthly charge.
- Videos – might also think about Viddy or Socialcam.
6. What do I do with my videos and podcasts once I upload them?
- Never just keep them at Youtube! Well, unless you’re Justin Beiber or something.
- Put them on your blog.
- Social media – Twitter and Facebook.
- LinkedIn? Tumblr? Wherever your followers are.
7. How can I make my videos more social? How do I engage viewers or listeners?
- ASK. Ask for comments. Ask questions. Look at the camera.
- example – ebooksforlibraries! We asked for petitionn signers. We got em.
- Youtube – include annotations that point to subscribe, Like, Favorite. Other videos.
- Make commenting easy – have them on your blog.
- Ask for specifics – i.e., here are my top 5 – what are yours?
8. Do videos need to be scripted out? I’m not an actor!
- Depends. Are you good at winging it or talking? Then probably not.
- scripted Karl out for ebooksforlibraries
- If you’re like me, you need at least an outline to keep you on track.
- Edit out the ums and ahs. It’s video/audio, after all.
- No, you’re not an actor. Just be you. People WANT to hear from you – they buy your books, don’t they?
9. How long should my videos and podcasts be?
- Videos – under 3 minutes. The shorter the better!
- Podcasts – can be longer. Think drive time or exercise time length.
- If you’re interesting, they can be longer. You’ll see dropoff rates in Youtube analytics…
10. OK – I’m making videos and podcasts. How do I take them to the next step?
- Video – lighting, mics, cameras. Upgrade when you hit a wall (and have the money)
- Podcasts – mics.
- Both – content. Make it better! Include your audience! Ze Frank is a great example of including audience in his video series.