David Armano and Richard at Dell arrange a cool tweetup at SXSWi2009 – shopping for hats, boots, buckles and brunch…a great time of mixing and mingling. http://twtvite.com/wl72lg
SXSWi2009: Video Blogging: Turning Wine into Gold
Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library TV), someone else who is interviewing him – can’t read the name…
Gary turned 30, realized there was alot more that he wanted to do. He watched ZeFrank’s videos and some others, and thought “I can do that.”
Claims it’s hard being an extreme extrovert. But you have to be who you are.
Gary has a new book coming out – it’s about “business.”
You can be an expert in social media marketing. But if your product’s terrible, it won’t help.
If you’re a jerk, your intern is flip-camming you
Don’t email Gary about camera or lighting. The content is king – not the tools.
When Gary started, he went to every single wine blog and left comments with links back to his blog.
You have to find your audience – not by pitching them, but by sharing & joining in the community
How funny – Gary grew up around wine tasting and wondered why people weren’t saying “this wine tastes like Big League Chew?” So he started doing that with his blog.
You can only live your life once. Gary wants to do it 100% happy. No reason not to make yourself as happy as possible.
None of this works if you live for weekends and vacations. He didn’t touch on this much, but – this is a HUGE point. Thanks for saying this!
(fyi – this is a Q&A session now). How do you deal with being “known?” Ask yourself “who am I” – if you don’t want people to know that, then you need to stop.
When did you start making money with video? He makes money because people know him. He got his book gig because people know him … etc.
Wow. he reads over 1000 emails a day! It’s his job.
Too many people don’t make decisions to survive – you have to decide to run your business like a business.
People who are unfocused – stay unfocused, but do that stuff really well.
Never wait for something to happen – go get it instead
Being successful – part of it is just keeping on doing it – outlast the competition
Delegate everything except what you love
Gary’s goal – owning the Jets.
Q – how do you “get in the zone?” Gary – “I’m there when I wake up every day.”
(aside – you REALLY have to be here – Gary is hilarious!)
Numbers/followers don’t mean anything. What matters are the people who CARE.
Puting out your content is only the FIRST thing to do – you have to do lots of work after that, too
And a couple other quotes/questions that I didn’t get…
SXSWi2009: From Flickr and Beyond: Lessons in Community Management
Panelists: Heather Champ – flickr, Mario Anima – CurrentTV, Matthew Stinchcomb – Etsy, Jessamyn West – MetaFilter (aside – LIBRARIANS ROCK), and Micah Schaffer – YouTube
Excellent – Jessamyn introduced the Metafilter part of her jobs, then mentioned I’m a public librarian in my day job. Awesomeness.
Metafilter didn’t have moderation for about the first 5 years. Started out as some dude’s blog, and grew from there. They recently added flagging, to mark content as breaking the guidelines.
Youtube – harder to perceive trends as they grew. They’re figuring out how to do it by slicing metrics in different ways
Etsy – Challenge – how to grow big but to stay small at the same time. A goal – make sre they’re having a dialogue. Have to remember the community is king before they do anything.
CurrentTV – they have different types of communities, ie., viewers and producers – they have to balance that.
They all mentioned mean names their communities have called them at times.
The YouTube guy – probably speaking the truth about YouTUbe – but he’s talking about bikinis and sex a lot. His point was that their site has a diversity of content, and sometimes you might not want, say, a bikini to mix with your hedgehog videos.
(aside – dude – don’t sit by two women and say “the internet’s about sex” and talk about liking bikini videos. Just sayin.
CurrentTV guy talks about content of conversations. IE., your comment will be taken down if you say “I will hunt you down …” etc. They actually say edit that out, and we’ll put it back up.
YouTube – criticism is good. They have to balance good, constructive criticism with crazy person criticism.
Flickr – Heather has learned when NOT to respond. She lets craxy people “dig their hole to crazy town” by not responding – it allows the community to notice and ignore the crazy person.
CurrentTV has multiple ways to deliver feedback – email, twitter, video responses, etc.
Etsy agrees – communicate in as many ways as possible.
YouTube – realize you’ll have to adapt your policies and guidelines as your site and your product evolve.
Etsy – people use site and communicate in ways you don’t expect – because of that, they have to revisit their policies every few months.
Metafilter – be able to explain your rules, and why you think that rule is a good one
Q&A now:
Q: How do you get community engagement in flickr?
A: You get what you give. You have to participate in groups for example. I’d add that you have to have a real community / network first – they’ll view and comment. Also wondering if he’s actually ASKED for comments?
Q: Does YouTube delete comments?
A: Their community guidelines apply to comments. Comments are the lowest barrier to entry at YouTube – it’s easy.
A: Allow members to determine what’s ok and what’s not.
Q: question about being logged in and being stupid …
A: Etsy – login name is same as their shop name, so your reputation follows you big time.
Q: Clay Shirky asked a question – funniest thing with community disagreeing with them…
A: Jessamyn – they banned someone, community started an “unban this user” …
A: Etsy – the Etsy 5 thing …
A: CurrentTV – a guy constantly complained a lot, then “asked for a divorce”
Q: what happens when another user community invades your own
A: flickr … you have to protect your own community first, really watch it – she gave a few examples. She calls them community crashers
SXSWi2009: The Future of Social Networks
#sxswfsn is the hashtag
Charlene Li
Her paradigm – social networks will be like air. They will be where/when we need them – not site-dependant
Shopping as an example
– walk into a store, you see people.
– “walk into amazon” – who do you see?
– Showed a mockup of filtering reviews to people you know
Even TV is getting social
– newscasters have been inserting twitter hashtags into the news ticker feed
– Charlene really wanted to just see what her friends thought
– some set top boxes have this functionality
Enterprise networks are starting to be social, too.
Three things are needed to make social networks like air
1. Identity – who you are
2. contacts – who you know
3. Activities – what you do
Two sets of standards/rules that exist right now
– Facebook
– Open Stack
Many, myriad identities:
– she’s an author/writer person
– she’s a mom
– doesn’t want to blend necessarily
Friend management is tough
– facebook now lets you sort friends into groups
– she friended her co-author … at least 20 different times in a variety of places – why isn’t is just once?
Have to put our trust in someone
– with identity, with contacts, with activity stream
Talking about social algorithms
– ex. gmail showing your top 20 contacts without you asking for it
What gets everyone to be open?
– the money
– ex – Facebook Connect taps into offsite – this gave them more awareness, more people, more views
– ex – earthwatch trip
Talking about ads that can appear on many different networks
The Rise of the personal CPM
What should you be doing to prepare?
1. evaluate where social makes sense
2. think about your back end
3. prepare to integrate social networks into your organization
The idea of a flipped org chart with customer on top, ceo on bottom
I sent a twitter hashtag comment/question – her whole point is that social networks are like air. But then she’s basically suggesting that we should control where the “air” is and is not. So my comment – But if it’s like air, you can’t choose where SNs makes sense and where they don’t – it would be everywhere no matter what, right?
SXSWi2009: Change (v2)
Speaker – Lawrence Lessig
aside – GREAT speaker. Fun use of Keynote, well-paced.
He’s talking about current issues – scientists taking large sums of money from drug companies … and then they “approve” a drug, other similar money things (ie., lobbyists)
Money is not evil
These dependencies weaken trust
– scientists say it’s ridiculous to say that the money they get affects their viewpoints
– politicians say the same thing
Wow – basically showing how lobbyists influence government. Scary.
His point – government gets easy 2+2=4 style questions wrong, because they are guided by dependencies that guide them the wrong way
Now talking about government-regulation / extortion problems
A great way to change this:
– only taking donations from citizens, each person capped at $250
– another idea – don’t give any more money to politicians until they agree to this.
– His site – http://change-congress.org/
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