Ever wondered what people are doing on their smartphones and tablets? Want to know what’s the newest trend is in mobile social media platforms?
Look no further than your phone’s app store.
Here are some things you can learn by looking at the Apple App Store:
- What’s popular – what people are interested in, what’s captured their interest.
- Most popular social media tools.
- What people are doing – for example, sharing photos, playing games, etc.
- Emerging trends – see what’s experimental and what’s taking off.
- Maybe you’ll even find an easier way to do stuff
For example, when I take a peek at the app store, I see this:
- Social media is huge. Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter are in the top 20 free apps.
- The election just happened – CNN is #2 on the list of free apps. Fox news is #16 and CBS is #47.
- Visual sharing is popular – hence Snapchat and Instagram.
- Video – Youtube is #5 on the list, Instagram is #6.
- There are apparently a LOT of guitar players in the world – Tabs & Chords is #15 on the list of Paid apps.
- Top Grossing apps – games, video (i.e., Netflix), and music (Pandora and Spotify)
The most interesting thing about this sneaky little trend watching tool? The app lists will most likely be completely different in 6 months or so. Try it out as a trend watching tool, and see what you discover!